Use a simple, clean format that highlights your skills and experiences. Focus on readability by using bullet points and short phrases to present your skills. Properly organize your resume into education, experience, and skills sections. See the exact skills you need on your resume based on the job you’re applying for.

Product coach and consultant Matt LeMay advocates delegating not only tasks but also responsibility. If you delegate tasks but insist on still being the go-to person for all decisions, you’re not really offloading your workload. Plus, you’re missing out on the opportunity to empower the people around you. Listen and empathize with both sides in a conflict and find common ground. Remind both parties that despite the immediate misalignment of objectives, everyone in the business works to achieve the same high-level goals. Not every resolution will appease both parties equally—and that’s okay.

Develop a thick skin

Knowledge in the areas of market research, product roadmapping, product strategy development, economics, project management and effective communication are also recommended. To be a successful product manager, you need to develop skills to help you lead cross-functional collaborations between engineers, marketing and sales teams, firm executives, and users. You are responsible for managing products that make a real difference in people’s lives. You set strategy, build the product roadmap, and prioritize the work that brings it all together.

product manager skills

Product sense is a product manager’s ability to understand the problem and identify all possible solutions and know which solutions to pick given the constraints like time, resources, budget, and user segment. If you work on consumer-facing products or products that require a lot of advertising or consumer marketing, for example, you’ll no doubt be asked to run A/B tests and interpret the results. Experimentation, analysis, and data visualization skills are important, so you may want to explore online courses in data science, statistics, analytics, Excel, and SQL. For example, a coworker from the sales team might come to you with their frustrations about a feature they need that doesn’t exist. You need to be able to empathize with their perspective, understand what they’re asking for and why, and communicate what building it would entail and—potentially—why it can’t be done right now. Your team and their needs come first, so you have to become adept at defending their time, even when it means sacrificing your own.

Conduct effective product, user, and market research

As a potential job seeker, know there will be certain soft skills and hard skills needed that you acquired in past experience. If you understand your product, communicate effectively to technical and non-technical audiences, and stay organized, you’ll be ahead of the game. Finally, if you’re working with a global or distributed team, you’ll need to pay extra attention to how you communicate as a PM.

  • Product managers require excellent interpersonal skills, self-awareness, and other soft abilities in order to comprehend customer needs effectively.
  • So being able to communicate effectively is key to being a great product manager.
  • Product managers (or PMs) also study anatomy—the anatomy of a company’s products—to become experts.
  • To gather all this data, PMs conduct meetings, analyze market research, and then document these requirements to create a set of product requirements that guide the development process.
  • User onboarding makes or breaks a product—and an understanding of the basics should be considered one of the primary product manager skills.
  • Leadership is not just one skill but rather a combination of numerous different skills working in harmony.
  • During the beta testing phase, product managers release the product to limited users (the product’s core audience) and ask for their feedback to validate its quality before the official launch.

Then we analyzed the resumes to see which skills appeared most frequently. Here’s a list of some of the best communication skills courses and certifications in 2023. Also, make sure you check out these gems; they’re definitely worth reading. However, when it’s bad, it will for sure demotivate and confuse your teams and creates a possibility of failure to achieve a certain task or purpose. You can also take the time to learn more about PivotTables and macros since they are the most commonly used Excel tools, and they’re super useful for anybody dealing with complicated pieces of data. You can find many data analysis courses online that do a great job teaching learners from all levels interested in getting better at what they do.

What are the top 3 things that make a good product manager?

You can’t implement everything, so it’s your job to determine what’s a high priority and what belongs on the backburner. Often, this will require you to put your foot down and deliver unwelcome decisions—decisions that might be met with disappointment or frustration. Product managers occupy a strategic role, developing a vision for the product that aligns with business goals.

The ABC of product management is deeply connected to the core of the product lifecycle itself—user needs, feature definition, implementation, and improvement. The following product manager skills are the preconditions for a PM to achieve a high-quality product that meets the needs of its niche customer market. They pivot through all stages of the product lifecycle; starting with research and ideation before moving forward to the product roadmap, development, and engineering—then onto launching, and distribution. The product manager is a cross-functional figure, the ultimate caretaker of the product strategy, from ideation to its arrival to the marketplace—without dropping the ball on optimization and product growth. Just as you change course if the product-market fit is off, you should change course in your career when there’s a mismatch between your role and your abilities or ambitions. The best product managers make informed decisions based on extensive data.

Sharp decision-making

First and foremost, a good product manager is a good manager of resources, whether it be time or otherwise, which means you have to really hone your prioritization skills. Like in any job, as a product manager, you need an essential skill set to survive, a pack of advanced capabilities to really succeed, and next-class aptitudes to stand out from the crowd and shine. Use Hotjar Heatmaps and Session Recordings to understand the user experience from the users’ perspective. Feedback tools like Surveys and Incoming Feedback widgets help you connect with your users’ needs through their own descriptions of what they’re thinking and feeling as they use your product. Seek feedback from all stakeholders before and after making a decision, and build time to try, review, and adapt your priorities. Compelling product narratives convince users to use your product, convince organizational stakeholders to back your product, and convince engineers to put their all into building your product.

product manager skills

Excellent communication skills are a must, and it’s essential that you’re able to use this skill with confidence and empathy. This includes being an active and engaged listener—communication should always be a two-way street. Everything the product manager does must be done with the overall strategy in mind. Strategic thinking informs how you make decisions and set priorities, how you define the vision for the product, and how you set goals to make that vision a reality. Learn how to speak the developers’ language and you’ll be well-positioned to collaborate with engineering teams—a crucial aspect of the product manager role. Product managers don’t need to be able to code, but they do need a good handle on the technical side of the product development process.

A product manager focuses on product strategy to create, distribute, sell, and obtain feedback on a specific product or service. Read more to see if a career in product management may be right for you. Acquiring this business acumen takes time, but you can do it in almost any role, at any stage of your career. If you’re currently working in an organization of any kind, make an effort to understand what factors are driving the success of the company, how success is being measured, and the role that each department plays.

product manager skills

As with many skills, it’s important to practice in order to develop and sharpen them. I came into product via engineering and learned about requirements gathering, implementation planning, and sprint management by treating small features like full-scale products. Product managers are keepers of all product knowledge—and effective ones know how to keep team members up-to-date on what’s happening.